Many think the Bible is just a book full of dos and don'ts or a book of right and wrongs. They fail to see the heart behind His Word. Many think God is too controlling but they forget the part where He's given you free will. People forget that in the beginning when Adam and Eve were created there was only one rule. Don't eat the fruit off the tree of knowledge of good and evil. You see it wasn't until they disobeyed that the land became cursed full of poisons, sicknesses, and wickedness. That's why He told them not to eat it because He didn't want to see them suffer. For those who will say why did he even create the tree and let them eat the fruit? Know Love is a choice. Forced love isn't love it's rape! He told Adam he would die if he ate the fruit but he still chose to not listen much like many today. Now that the land has been cursed He has given us all the instructions we need to keep us safe from destruction but still we act like a bunch of Adams and choose not to follow. Anytime you don't follow the Lord's instructions then you open the door to allow bad things to happen to you. He has given you His Word to protect you and your heart. Unfortunately many have fallen victim to organized religion and legalism. They forgot how to be a family and love one another as Christ loved us. Remember the pharisees knew more of God's word then anyone but they failed to see God's love and if you have not love then you have nothing. It's time to take a minute and have some sober thoughts. What is love? Well let me just ask you some questions and you answer the question for yourself. Is Love acceptance of everything never giving correction? If you say yes then let me ask you this, if you see your child running with a knife will you just sit, watch, and do nothing and accept it or will you correct him and take it away because you don't want to see your child hurt? God's Word is no different. He doesn't want to see His children hurt. His Word is to protect us. So you can either take correction from His Word or deal with the consequences for not following His Word. It is your choice. Okay let's move on to the next question if your part of a gang or brotherhood or just are really close to family or friends and you get into a fight with someone and your about to get jumped and your friend or brother steps in the way and takes the hits and dies for you would you consider that person to be a true friend or a fake friend? Well know that's what Jesus Christ did for you. He stepped in and took the hits for you! So why do you keep persecuting Him? He lived the life we couldn't live and died the death that we should've died. Next question to women and men who seek a relationship. How are you protecting your heart? Are you testing the spirits? Start asking why is this person interested in me? Do they only see outward beauty and only care to get in your pants? Are you tired of getting your heart broken? Does it seem like once they get a piece of you then they are done with you? Has your heart been torn in so many pieces you feel like you have nothing else left to give so your ready to give up on true Love? Know you are loved and you have a Holy Father who loves you and if you would follow His Word and start telling the ones you pursue that your not having sex until marriage watch and see how many run away. Then you will know their true intentions. When you find the one that stays and respects you for that then you may have found one worth giving your heart to. If you apply this then you could save yourself from many heartaches. If your in a relationship for money or for drugs let's be honest is that really Love? Ask yourself are they with you because of love or because of an addiction? Do you have something of this world that they want or are looking for? Next scenario if your a Family Man and your taking a Family vacation in Alaska and your kids are about to get attacked by wolves would you step in the way knowing that you can't take them all but yet it gives your kids a chance to get to safety? There is wolves in sheep's clothing that tried to destroy His children yet once again he stepped in gave His life and gave us a way to safety. Beware of many wolves in sheep's clothing who are seeking to devour you and instead run to our Lord and Savior for safety. Next question to the divided family. If someone broke into your house to steal your child what would you do? Okay most would do whatever necessary to protect their child. Okay so now let me add when that person breaks into your house to steal your child and you see that the thief in the night is your other child then what would you do? That's what happened to our Heavenly Father. One child being lucifer trying to steal his other children away from Him. Only instead of killing lucifer like he could, because he created him and God is ALL POWERFUL, He stepped in the way and said I will give you myself in the flesh and in return you can only do to my children what I say that you can do. Know God could have made Lucifer vanish and fixed the evil but instead he showed mercy even to his enemy and has shown us how to Love our enemies. Now lucifer can't say God wasn't fair and didn't give Him all the chances to repent but God just knows He won't because he hates the light so God has prepared a place just for Him and those who follow him where there will be wailing and knashing of teeth. This doesn't mean to accept evil but instead speak truth and show them love through actions and not only words. If you have stuck with me this far then I believe you truly seek for Love and Truth so I will share some more. Why does God say to dress modest? Modest being in the middle not over or under dressed. Well if a girl is walking around with their butt cheeks hanging out then it can lead someone to kidnapping or raping her. Look into all the sex trafficking that's taking place in the world. Do you want that to be your daughter? How about the perverted old guys that are telling there buddies look at the butt or the rack on that girl. Come on parents is that how you want your daughters looked at? Know the heart of God is to protect you and your children that's why he says dress modest and if your the parent dressing like that but not allowing your kid to dress that way what are you promoting to your children? What are you going to say when your child says why can't I dress that way because you do? Don't be a hypocrite. What are you doing to protect your heart? Here's another example, why does God say not to get drunk? Many know getting drunk lowers your guard and causes one night stands, getting someone pregnant, or being behind the wheel and killing someone. Know the heart of God is to protect you from the heartaches. How about tattoos? I had many put on my body before coming to Christ and putting all my trust in Him. Once again if you get a dirty needle it can lead to infection or diseases. Also may be something you later regret and it can become an addiction leaving a hole in your pocket because they are expensive. Find the Heart of God in all of His Holy Word. How about homosexuality? Your trying to take the power away from God and stop creation. If everyone turns homosexual then you stop creation. Why do you think lucifer is exposing the world with this and convincing people to turn this way? He is trying to put an end to God's creation his own way and still thinking he can outsmart God. Think about it! Think if it were you who was meant to be born but wasn't because of homosexuality. Same with abortions. What if your mom aborted you? I don't care what you define as a life. The question isn't, is it a life? It's will it be a life? The answer is yes. So what's the difference between preventing a life or taking a life? I had to answer this question for myself so I will let you also answer this question for yourselves. Just remember the king that washed his hands before Jesus was crucified and said His blood was not on his hands. I know I am covered with the blood of my Lord and Savior in both worlds physically and spiritually. Physically I do have His blood on my hands for all the sins I've committed and spiritually for His grace and atonement of my sins that have been washed away. Now repent and turn from your sins, take up your cross and follow Christ, live selflessly instead of selfishly, and put all your trust in the Lord and go practice righteousness. Go put on the full armor of God, deny your flesh, and be a light to the world around you!
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